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Aion - A fresh app switcher experience!

Aion provides you with a fresh app switcher experience, taking hints from the classic iOS switcher.

Aion features a range of options, and the ability to be extended through widgets. By default it includes a 'Favourite App' widget, Music Widget, and Siri Widget.

Coming Soon

Aion aims to keep all gestures on newer devices as stock as possible - this means you can still easily swipe between applications, swipe to your homescreen, etc. with no interference from Aion

Developed by SparkDev

Design and icon by Revulate


What's New?

Latest Version: 0.1.1-Beta3-rootless

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Note: You will be able to download a package without purchasing. However, the package must be activated from the settings pane after purchase.
Minimum iOS Version: 13.0
Maximum iOS Version: 15.7.1